

A vision statement is a business document that states the current and future objectives of an organization. A company’s vision must align with its mission, strategic planning, culture, and core values.

1. What problem does my organization seek to solve?

Clearly identifying the problem or insufficiency your organization is responding to helps focus every action you take to ensure you’re staying on track for success.

2. Why do you believe this problem needs to be addressed?

How Does it affect the individuals in an industry or the whole environment? Why should it be addressed now and who are we addressing it to.

3. What are the changes we believe the organization can make for individuals? For the industry?

Finding what’s achievable and rooting for it will keep the organization on track to success.

4. What is the dream for this organization?

This can be the best-case scenario, making it abstract and challenging.

5. How would things be different if my dream came true?

How will the organization’s success reflect on its society and how would things be different.

6. What can the organization realistically achieve?

Working on something achievable and obtainable will challenge people in the organization.

7. What phrases or keywords describe the type of organization and the outcome you seek for?

customer-centric, warmth, self-organized, inspire.


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